When you think of personal trackers, your mind may automatically jump to thinking of fitness trackers; and you wouldn't be alone, but there is another type of personal tracker becoming more popular for other reasons than how many steps you take in a day.

A GPS Personal Tracker can come in useful for a number of reasons, but why should you consider utilising a personal tracker in everyday life? They can be an invaluable addition to day to day life to those who work alone, family members with dementia, children or even going travelling abroad - a tracking device can ensure safety and give peace of mind. But, if you're still sitting there thinking there wouldn't be a situation requiring a personal tracker, keep reading - you might be surprised how relevant they are to your life.

GPS Tracker for Dementia 

With over 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, and this number is expected to rise to over 1 million by 2025, this amounts to 650,000 carers, who may be family members looking after a loved one, or this could be their job. 'Wandering' is a term to describe certain behaviour related to those with dementia; they decide to get up and go out of their house, often finding themselves disorientated and unable to get home - did you know 40% of people with dementia get lost outside of their home? A GPS Personal Tracking Device can provide peace of mind.

GPS Tracker for Lone Worker

We don't realise just how many people are classed as 'lone workers' in the UK, and the dangers they often face as they carry out their day to day work. We have already discussed one such kind of lone worker, those that are carers for vulnerable people, but there are a whole host of other careers that come under this category, including estate agents, lorry drivers, postmen, shop workers etc. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure the safety of their workers when they are out and about.

GPS Tracker for Children

Having young children who a prone to wandering off and exploring unknown areas can cause unrest amongst parents. Still, personal GPS trackers for children are discrete enough to be enclosed in coat pockets or backpacks and can provide peace of mind knowing that your loved one is safe when they are out and about. Whether it is on their travels to and from school, or when they are out playing with friends, you can even set up 'safety zones', to be alerted if they leave certain areas. A Personal GPS Tracking device can be the perfect safety addition for yourself, or a family member or loved one; with a range of products to suit individual requirements and mapping panels that allow real-time tracking on your smartphone or computer, it can be an invaluable addition to your everyday life, take a look at TrackerShop's range of GPS Personal Trackers!

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