Fuel Efficiency
For Your Fleet

Regardless of the size of your fleet, the largest ongoing running cost is most often fuel. 

You’ll be surprised how much you save once you have full visibility through your More Fleet system.

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What Driver Habits Waste Fuel

Driving is a unique skill where, the more experience that you have, the more bad habits you tend to pick up! . 

With MoreFleet, through live tracking, logged journeys, alerts and driver reports you will quickly identify any issues and have the best information to address them effectively..

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Idling occurs when your vehicle is stationary with the engine running. On average, 10 minutes of vehicle idling can waste 1/10 litre of fuel.


As days and weeks turn in to months, you can quickly see just how much fuel wastage is occurring across your entire fleet, eating in to your company profits unnecessarily.

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Driving at 75mph can use between 20-48% more fuel than when driving at 55mph. When driving at higher speeds, you are more likely to brake and accelerate more erratically and frequently - which contributes to further fuel wastage. 

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Harsh Breaking.

Excessive speeding and then having to brake erratically is another black hole that your company's hard-earned money can disappear down.

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Out of Hours Use.

For many companies it is logistically more efficient for staff members to take their vehicles home at the end of their shift. This involves a high level of trust by an employer, as you will never truly know that your vehicle is not being exploited out of hours with non-company related activity. 

In addition, a worry for employers is that staff are using the vehicles during the working day for personal reasons, adding miles on to the vehicle and burning through company fuel. When doing this, they are also taking away working hours from your customers. 

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Let's take a Look at the Best Fleet Tracking System Pricing Options

Monthly Plan

No upfront costs from


(price on application) 
per Vehicle/Month

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  • Low cost monthly tracking plan.
  • Discounts available for 24+36 month plans
  • Free hardware + installation options.
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Nationwide Mobile installation available
  • Advanced Google Mapping System
  • Private Mapping Panel and App access
  • Driver Behaviour League
  • All the Reports and Alerts you'll ever need
  • And plenty more!.
Monthly Plan
No Contracts!
Get Tracking away within 24 hours!.
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  • Same Fleet System features as the Monthly
  • No Contracts. Just a rolling monthly subscription

  • Freeze and reactivate your tracking any time
  • Simple 'self-install' trackers.
  • Be tracking away within 24 hours.
  • Mobile Installation service also available
  • Contact us any time for a demo or to learn

The MoreFleet All In One Solution

All of the above issues can be quickly and easily addressed the second your MoreFleet system is active. 

With full visibility of your fleet in-field, fuel efficiency reports and instant alerts your entire fleet will be streamlined and optimised to not waste a drop!.

Driver Efficiency League

Your MoreFleet Driver Efficiency Table will automatically generate a report on each employee based on their driver behaviour. 

You’ll be surprised how oblivious employees can be to their bad habits - many of them not even knowing that they are contributing to fuel wastage and unnecessary vehicle depreciation. 

The real-time tracking as well as full history reports for all activity of your vehicle means you will be able to identify and educate employees who are using your vehicles inefficiently.

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Van Instant Logged Alerts

Your MoreFleet Driver Efficiency Table will automatically generate a report on each employee based on their driver behaviour. 

You’ll be surprised how oblivious employees can be to their bad habits - many of them not even knowing that they are contributing to fuel wastage and unnecessary vehicle depreciation. 

The real-time tracking as well as full history reports for all activity of your vehicle means you will be able to identify and educate employees who are using your vehicles inefficiently.

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Lorry Fleet Tracking

Lorry tracking - UK, Europe and Beyond

From 1 to 1000 vehicles, wherever your fleet is, you’ll be right there with them. MoreFleet helps build trust in your fleet’s capabilities - for you AND your customers.

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