Pricing Options

Monthly Plan

No upfront costs from


(price on application) 
per Vehicle/Month

Get Prices
  • Low cost monthly tracking plan.
  • Discounts available for 24+36 month plans
  • Free hardware + installation options.
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Nationwide Mobile installation available
  • Advanced Google Mapping System
  • Private Mapping Panel and App access
  • Driver Behaviour League
  • All the Reports and Alerts you'll ever need
  • And plenty more!.
Monthly Plan
No Contracts!
Get Tracking away within 24 hours!.
Get Prices
  • Same Fleet System features as the Monthly
  • No Contracts. Just a rolling monthly subscription

  • Freeze and reactivate your tracking any time
  • Simple 'self-install' trackers.
  • Be tracking away within 24 hours.
  • Mobile Installation service also available
  • Contact us any time for a demo or to learn

MoreFleet Benefits

Detailed Useful Reports

Book In Same-Day Jobs

Closest Worker To Job Allocation

Driver Behaviour

Reduce Admin Time

Need More info on your best fleet tracking solution?

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