The Best Motorhome Tracking 
For Any Business

Using the Trackershop MoreFleet advanced mapping panel gives you the edge over competitors.

Don’t worry. 'Advanced' does not mean ‘complicated’.

In fact MoreFleet has been specifically designed to be extremely user friendly - no matter the business, no matter the vehicle, no matter the use.

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Motorhome Tracking. Why Is It Important?

If you have vehicles in your company then, yes!

Vehicles are used by companies from all industries for multiple different reasons.

However, what every company has in common is knowing how useful it will be to monitor and co-ordinate your vehicle's overall activity.

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Wherever They Are

From Wherever You Are.

Whether you are an estate agency, a car lease co, or you have a sales team out on the road you will be able to see your entire team from one place, no matter where they are in the world!

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All Reports. All In One Place.

Trying to tie together all vehicle information, timesheets and job/shift reports from different locations is a full-time job in itself.


By implementing your MoreFleet system you will have everything generated in seconds, all in one place and in a way that is easy to understand and interpret.

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Monitor Assess. Organise. Streamline.

You can now view the 24/7 real-time location, the arrival/departure time for appointments, traffic conditions, full journey history, message drivers directly and so much more.

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Save Time And Money. Whilst Improving Company Efficiency.

It’s not often that company efficiency, earning ability and customer service improves by actually saving money! With MoreFleet that’s exactly what happens.

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Driver Behaviour. Improve Safety And Costs.

Knowing that your driver behaviour is being monitored and scored is a great incentive for staff to drive more responsibly and economically. It also makes the roads a much safer place for them and other road users.

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Dash Cam Option Full Visibility On
The Ground.

Opt for front facing dash cams for your fleet, to help document and evidence any disputes from road incidents.

Fitting dash cams has also been shown to improve overall driver behaviour when out representing your vehicles on the road.

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Your Entire Fleet Tracking
24 Hours From Now.

With the quick set up option, you could be logged in with all of your cars tracking away by this time tomorrow.

Your user-friendly mapping portal means that no extensive training is needed, there’s no software to download so you’ll have it sussed within minutes of logging in.

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The MoreFleet All In One Solution

All of the above issues can be quickly and easily addressed the second your MoreFleet system is active. 

With full visibility of your fleet in-field, fuel efficiency reports and instant alerts your entire fleet will be streamlined and optimised to not waste a drop!.

Driver Efficiency League

Your MoreFleet Driver Efficiency Table will automatically generate a report on each employee based on their driver behaviour. 

You’ll be surprised how oblivious employees can be to their bad habits - many of them not even knowing that they are contributing to fuel wastage and unnecessary vehicle depreciation. 

The real-time tracking as well as full history reports for all activity of your vehicle means you will be able to identify and educate employees who are using your vehicles inefficiently.

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It doesn't matter what type of company you have, if you deploy vehicles on a daily basis it is impossible to know if they are used correctly and if you are achieving
the full potential of your staff out on the road.


Therefore, the positive benefits of implementing a fleet system are numerous and, in todays modern climate, essential!
With your MoreFleet system, any one of the multiple features available will help you earn and save your business money, improve efficiency, customer service, staff
management and over all company harmony.

You can select which reports and features are most for your needs to ensure your fleet is functioning at its optimum capacity.


Besides the logistics of being able to co-ordinate and monitor the progression of staff in-field, companies also have an added investment in ensuring that the value and
use of their company asset]vehicle is not being compromised or exploited.

eg, out of hours use increases the mileage of the vehicle, depreciating the value and leading to more regular/higher maintenance costs. This also leads to excessive fuel
costs for your company, which are difficult to dispute without clear evidence.


The value gained from implementing the best fleet management system for your own company requirements can be unlimited.

The more clarity and visibility that you have for each vehicle in your fleet allows you to optimise the earning ability for that vehicle.

Therefore, the more vehicles that you have the more you can potentially save per vehicle if they are being monitored and used to their optimum capacity.

MoreFleet is the all round best fleet management system to help you achieve this - as we provide nationwide installation or next day •plug and play' options, as well as
monthly rolling tracking subscriptions.

There's actually nothing to lose , but so much to gain!


For anyone with vehicles, when you need to know where your staff are urgently, it can be extremely frustrating, time consuming and stressful.

Having full-time visibility ofyour fleet allows you to make confident informed decisions, and means that you won't always need to disturb drivers by calling/messaging
them for their locations.

Any company using vehicles will now be looking for ways to both improve their own earning ability and get an important edge over competitors.
It's possible many Of your competitors are already using a fleet system. MoreFleet will help ensure that you stay ahead Of them.